Monday, May 21, 2012

Wish I could understand why they suffer.....

Having such a hard time dealing with this little boy Patrick.He is sick with cancer and the doctors have said there is nothing else they can do.Sadly,I have read or know one too many stories lately of a child suffering.I just don't understand it.I am a Christian and believe in my Lord Jesus Christ but,it still doesn't make it easier.I just want to yell WHY ?????? Why do children have to suffer?!?! They are the ones that bring the most joy to people and in life.So why ? Why is Patrick laying in a hospital bed struggling to breath and bleeding instead of playing.Why did Ava Shaye who loved life SO much have to pass away from something as simple as having her tonsils out instead of being able to welcome her new little sister a month later.I ache and cry for the kids like they are mine.I can't even finish looking at pictures or reading their stories because it hurts too bad.It took me numerous times to be able to make it through a video that was made of Ava.Does it make me appreciate my kids more? Yes ! Does it humble me ? Yes ! But,i so wish there was a different way to do it than having to see a child lose their life.I know they are in a better place but,I am selfish.I want these kids to stay with their daddy's and mommy's.w

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Brooklyn

She makes my heart so happy.Its been a rough day today.She has her 10 and 11th tooth coming in and she just wants to be held !

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Still learning..

I am still trying to learn all of this blogging stuff.I would love to have a different background and such but,I find I don't have alot of time being as though I stay pretty busy with 6 kiddos.But,nonetheless I am glad to have this little "space" where I can write.I have alot of fear about Baby Brooklyn's surgery and alot of people close to me don't really know what to say except "It will be ok ".So at least here I will be able to express my frustrations through writing...I am actually surprised it took this long to start blogging !!